Friday, November 4, 2016


 The strongest area of the piece of work I made is probably getting all 5 clones in there and wit none of them overlapping each other. The area that could be improved is the stillness of the pictures that I took and the amount of time I took on the project, this should have been done 2-3 classes ago but I wasn't working at a fast pace. The easiest part about this project was the taking the pictures and putting at the pictures onto one. What was difficult for me was erasing then messing up and trying to redo it. I started over about 6 times because I messed up. During this project I used the paint brush tool , erase tool, opacity. Opacity was to make all 5 pictures become clearer so you can draw the another clones in. If I could do this project differently I would of stayed on task and don't get held back because I didn't understand it. Also I would of asked more questions and not just sit there and say I cant do this.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


 The strongest area of the piece of work I made is probably the formal and direct of all the letter Js. The area that could be improved is lack of creativity of the letters, I could of added different fonts and more colors but the amount of time I took on the project messed me up , this should have been done 2-3 classes ago but I wasn't working at a fast pace. The easiest part about this project was picking the letter and writing it down . What was difficult for me was erasing then messing up and trying to redo it. During this project I used the horizontal type tool, the pen tool and the crop tool. If I could do this project differently I would of stayed on task and don't get held back because one project turned to 2 projects and then I was at an F.